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Junior Tennis, Tennis Training Jean-Yves Aubone Junior Tennis, Tennis Training Jean-Yves Aubone

4 Things Your Tennis Development is Missing

The biggest difference between the best junior tennis players and everyone else is how well structured their development was. No child made it to the top by random chance. By the age of 12-14, their development started to be planned for success. And the development plan for those lagging behind was consistently missing four things.

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Tennis Training, Junior Tennis, Coaching Jean-Yves Aubone Tennis Training, Junior Tennis, Coaching Jean-Yves Aubone

5 Most Important Things A Junior Tennis Player Must Develop

“A jack of all trades, master of none.”

If a player works on too many things at once, they’ll be mediocre at everything, great at nothing. It’s better to master the most important things first, then start adding in everything else later/

Theres are the 5 most important things a junior player should work on once they have the basic skills down:

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Tennis Training Jean-Yves Aubone Tennis Training Jean-Yves Aubone

Natural Born Talent Does Not Exist

“Learning isn’t a way of reaching one’s potential but rather a way of developing it. We can create our own potential. And this is true whether our goal is to become a concert pianist or just play the piano well enough to amuse ourselves, to join the PGA golf tour or just bring our handicaps down a few strokes.” - Anders Ericsson & Robert Pool - Peak

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Junior Tennis Jean-Yves Aubone Junior Tennis Jean-Yves Aubone

Tennis Prepares Kids For Life

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders affect 1 out of every 4 kids ages 13 to 18.

Forty million adults are affected by anxiety disorders each year.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

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